To launch Mogo card, we needed to meet certain Fintrack requirements while still focusing on delivering a quick and easy-to-use ordering experience for Mogo members.
Mogo Finance Technology Inc.
Product designer
2018 – 2020
Apple, Apps We Love, 2019
My Role
Working closely with Mogo operations team, and People’s Trust (Mogo’s card issuer) I created complex flows that incorporated Fintrack requirements into the existing onboarding and card ordering experience.
The main challenge we were faced with was around how to incorporate the long list of requirements from People’s Trust into the existing flow without majorily impacting the length of the onboarding and card order process and negatively impacting conversion.
Based on data from our internal analytics team, we knew that users were adverse to entering in personal information, and we used this to help define our strategy.
Our solution to the problem was to impact the existing conversion rate as litttle as possible, ensuring members are able to order their Mogo card quickly. We introduced 2 micro flows into the existing onboarding experience that would only trigger if users answered yes to the questions. This made sure that we were capturing the correct information from members who met the criteria, while having the least amount of impact on users who didn’t meet the requirements.
We also added transparent and easy to navigate privacy policy agreements using a standardized page template. Lastly, we created reusable components and standards that could be used for new features in the future like a flexible list view that had optional indexing, and search capabilities.
Copyright © 2020 Jake Buhrig